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Family Law

Boone Family Law Attorneys

Strong advocacy for families in North Carolina

Relationships don’t always work out the way we’d like. When marriages end, the spouses need to ensure that they are protected – financially and emotionally. Children of divorce and separation need to know where they will stay and who will raise, love, and guide them every day. At Epperson Law Group, PLLC, we’ve earned the respect of clients because we ensure that marital property is divided equitably, alimony is paid when necessary, child custody orders are established, and child support orders are enforced. Our Boone family law attorneys help protect spouses and children. Contact us today to get started.

How can we help?

What types of family law cases do you handle?

At Epperson Law Group, PLLC, our lawyers represent clients in all kinds of family-related matters including the following:

Our Boone family lawyers can explain your rights, discuss your options, review your priorities, and convince the family court that your children’s best interests are aligned with yours.

How does the child custody process work in Boone?

We know that your child’s wellbeing is first and foremost on your mind during your separation and divorce. It’s our priority too. The North Carolina courts give no preference to either spouse when making decisions about child custody – only the best interests of the child are taken into consideration.

North Carolina authorizes two types of custody. Legal custody controls which parent makes long-term decisions about their child’s health and welfare. These decisions include where your child will attend school, which physicians will care for your child, and what religious guidance your child will receive. Physical custody determines where your child lives on a daily basis.

Our Boone family law attorneys help parents understand the factors that decide legal and physical custody. We’ve helped countless parents negotiate child custody agreements. We’re skilled at arguing your child custody rights in court. Both types of custody (legal and physical) can be joint. It’s also possible for a parent to have sole custody. With joint custody agreements, neither parent has a higher authority to make major decisions. Most joint custody agreements should include steps for conflict resolution.

Parenting plans

At Epperson Law Group, PLLC, we help parents come to an agreement about all the secondary childcare issues that need to be resolved once legal and physical custody are established. Our Boone family lawyers negotiate parenting plans that address visitation rights, the transfer of your children from another parent to another, how to discipline your child, school-related issues, holiday time, how you can communicate with your child while your child is with the other parent, how disputes will be resolved, and many other issues.

Child custody disputes

Our family law team also handles:

  • Requests for modifications of child custody orders due to relocation or other causes
  • Enforcement of child custody orders
  • The rights of grandparents to spend time with their grandchildren
  • Child custody when a parent is serving in the military
  • Other custody issues that may develop until your child turns 18

What amount of child support should my children receive?

Both parents have a duty to provide financial support for their children until they turn 18. Normally, the parent with less physical custody time pays the other parent a regular amount of child support. The amount is based on the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines.

The amount of child support is based on the following:

  • The income of each parent
  • The physical custody order
  • The daily expense needs of your child
  • Whether your child has any additional expenses such as braces or private school tuition
  • Whether there are other children to support

Generally, the child support order is not based on how each parent spends their money.

Our Boone family law attorney often negotiates settlements of the amount due when the guidelines are fairly clear. We litigate child support when necessary. Our attorneys also handle modification requests and seek the enforcement of child support when the obligor parent is in default.

Can you help me with a paternity issue?

Yes. Our Boone family lawyers represent parents in paternity contests. The courts use DNA tests to determine paternity. We represent mothers who claim another person is the father of their child, fathers who want to legally confirm they are the father, and men who deny paternity.

Once there is confirmation of paternity, we can handle the corresponding child custody and child support orders.

Can you help me with an adoption?


Adoption is the formal process for establishing a legal parent/child relationship between an adopting parent and a child.  Epperson Law Group, PLLC handles adoptions involving newborns, stepchildren, foster parents, and grandparents. We also handle foreign adoptions, same-sex adoptions, adoptions of adults, adoptions through private agencies, and all other types of adoptions.

Our Boone family lawyers can explain all the necessary steps including completing the proper forms, discussing whether the rights of biological parents must be terminated, the court criteria in Watauga County for approving adoptions, and what to expect if there is a judicial hearing. We can also review your rights and duties once the adoption of your child is approved.

What other matters do your Boone family law attorneys handle?

Our Boone attorneys also handle:

  • How to resolve disputes
  • Domestic violence protective orders (DVPOs)
  • Family issues and bankruptcy
  • Tax issues for spouses and parents
  • Alimony and child support when a spouse/parent is in the military

Why are the Boone family lawyers of Epperson Law Group the right choice?

Fighting for spouses and parents involves experience and advocacy in a number of crucial ways. Our skilled family lawyers understand what factors judges use to make their decisions. We understand the full range of practical issues that affect every type of family matter. Our dedicated family lawyers understand how to negotiate agreements and when to try disputes before a judge. We understand how to preserve your financial security and how to protect your children.

Our reputation is critical to our success. Former clients trust us and recommend us. Other family lawyers understand that we are skilled negotiators and trial lawyers.

At Epperson Law Group, PLLC, we help Boone residents in countless ways. We can:

  • Review your current family law situation and the reasons for any disputes
  • Explain your rights
  • Identify the financial, practical, and legal issues that affect every family law matter
  • Prioritize your needs and your children’s needs
  • Work with mediators, arbitrators, and collaborative divorce specialists
  • Work with child counselors and teachers when helpful
  • Anticipate the arguments that your spouse’s or partner’s lawyer will assert
  • Negotiate marital property, child custody, child support, alimony, and other agreements
  • Persuasively argue your case in court

Do you have a Boone family lawyer near me?

Epperson Law Group meets clients at our Boone office located at 870 W. King Street, Unit A. We also speak with clients by phone and through video conferences. We’re here to help. We can answer all your questions, discuss your needs and goals, and fight to secure a better future.

Talk with an accomplished Boone family law attorney now

At Epperson Law Group, PLLC, we’ve been helping spouses and parents establish a secure financial and personal future for themselves and their children – for several decades. To schedule a consultation with a Boone family law attorney, please call us or complete our contact form.

Boone Office

184 N Water Street
Boone, NC 28607

Tel: 704-859-2264
