R. Kelly’s ex-wife claims he owes her thousands in child support
It doesn’t matter how rich and famous you may be, you are not above the law when it comes to paying court-ordered spousal or child support. When you are ordered to pay child support, you are expected to pay it. For those who choose not to, the law may intervene and serious consequences, including fines, penalties and even jail time, may be incurred.
This may be the case for singer R. Kelly. Kelly’s ex-wife and mother to his three children, Andrea Kelly, claims that he has not paid her the required $20,833 a month in child support. She recently filed legal documents in which she stated that Kelly has not met his child support obligations.
Although Kelly is due in court at the end of the month, his lawyer has expressed concern that Kelly might not show up. Since he didn’t appear at a court hearing last November, the judge may not take too kindly to Kelly failing to come to a second court date. If he doesn’t make a showing, the judge may order him to serve 30 days to six months behind bars. His lawyer says the singer has basically made it impossible for him to be reached.
If you are owed spousal or child support and the person who is required to make those payments is not doing so, you may wish to speak with an attorney experienced in family law. Doing so may enable you to hold that person accountable and start receiving the support payments to which you are entitled.
Source: News One, “R. Kelly Facing Jail Time For Back Child Support?” Ruth Manuel-Logan, Feb. 20, 2014
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