Questions to ask before you pull the trigger on your divorce
Every person who has been through divorce proceedings in North Carolina reached a point at which they realized the end of their marriages were inevitable. In some cases, the decision might be yours to get a divorce. In others, it might be your spouse’s decision. Alternatively, the decision might be mutual.
If you’re currently undecided about your divorce, here are a few questions that Today says you should contemplate before “pulling the trigger” on your divorce proceedings:
- Have you tried anything to save your marriage? If you haven’t at the very least gone to see a counselor, you might consider visiting a couple’s therapist if you can get your spouse on board with the idea.
- Have you reviewed whether you have the financial means to live by yourself? Be sure to make a budget to determine how much income you’ll need to survive without sharing expenses with your spouse.
- How long has it been since you and your spouse were physically intimate? If a long time has passed since you and your spouse were intimate with one another, it could be a sign that your consideration of divorce is legitimate.
- Are you arguing constantly? If you and your spouse are arguing on a daily basis, you should seriously consider why that is and how it can be resolved. If no resolution to the issue is possible, it could be a sign that you’re incompatible.
- Are there regular moments when you and your spouse laugh together? If the humor has fallen to the wayside from your marriage, you may want to consider bringing it back, or coming to terms with the fact that you may be incompatible.
There are other questions you’ll want to consider before getting a divorce. However, the above questions will get you started on the right track toward an objective analysis of your marriage and whether it may be time for your relationship to come to a close.
Source: Today, “Thinking about getting a divorce? Ask yourself these 6 questions first,” Nicole Baras-Feuer and Francine Baras, accessed July 26, 2017
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