Can I Distribute Premarital Money Without Telling My Spouse?
Before you come into a marriage with a significant amount of your own money, it is important to know what your rights are and learn all the possibilities of what could happen to it. No one likes to think of death or divorce during such a happy time, but it is a necessity when you…
Read More6 Relationship Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore
A recent post on Reddit sparked a much-needed conversation about red flags in relationships. A user explained the situation she was currently in and asked if she was in the wrong: she agreed to watch her three-year-old niece for a week and a half as a favor while her sister recovered from surgery. As she…
Read MoreLawmakers Propose “Child Support from Conception” Bill – Would It Work?
This summer, lawmakers drafted a proposal for a new bill in an effort to help expecting mothers. They named it the Unborn Child Support Act, and it would essentially give women the right to collect child support while they are pregnant, starting from the month of conception. Each state manages the child support system for…
Read MoreSole Custody, Joint Custody, or Shared Custody: Which Is Best for You?
When parents separate, the subject of child custody is often fraught with confusion, fear, and disagreements. Where will my child live? Will I be able to see my child? Who will make all the important decisions? How will my child adapt? Will my child be OK? North Carolina judges are required to determine custody based…
Read MoreMy Child Is About to Turn 18. How Long Do I Keep Paying Child Support?
Divorce is difficult for everyone. The focus often needs to be on the youngest members of the family. Parents must put aside their own issues and ensure that their minor children are taken care of emotionally, physically, and financially. When a separation, annulment or divorce occurs between parents, child support can guarantee the continued care…
Read MoreWhat Is the Process of Modifying a Court Order for Child Support or Child Custody?
Child custody and child support cases are often quite complicated. Modifying an established court order for child support or custody will require various documents and evidence. A family law attorney will be able to help you navigate this modification process and ensure all steps are completed. Modifying a child support order A child support order…
Read MoreDo Anger Management Courses Actually “Fix” Domestic Abusers?
Domestic violence is often defined as abusive behaviors against intimate partners. The abuse can be physical, sexual, verbal, and/or psychological. It is also against the law in North Carolina. According to the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 63 homicides were committed in North Carolina due to domestic violence in 2021. In the United States,…
Read MoreInheritances May Cause Headaches When Spouses Aren’t Included
In these times of uncertainty and risk, we may think about what we have to lose or gain. During the height of the pandemic, many individuals, couples, and families had to move for health or financial reasons. Perhaps someone close to you passed away and left you property. You may be left confused about what…
Read MoreHow Victims of Sexual Assault End Up Sharing Custody with Their Abusers
Being the victim of a sexual assault is already a traumatizing experience. However, what if a child was produced from the assault? If the abuser tries to pursue custody of their child with the victim, should the abuser be awarded custody? As horrendous as these questions are, they are a reality for millions of women…
Read MoreGood Marriages Make Their Own Rules – Just Ask Carson Daly
There’s an old saying that goes, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.” Meaning, in all things good and worthy, there is sacrifice and compromise that goes into making them. The same can be said of marriage. In order to have a successful, happy, and healthy relationship with your significant other, there…
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