Bullying in the Law: What You Can Do When Opposing Counsel Goes Too Far
When we think of bullying, we shouldn’t just imagine a school with a group of students taunting someone in the hallway. Unfortunately, in the legal world, litigious bullying happens and often leaves plaintiffs feeling powerless and pressured. It’s a malicious form of trying to intervene in the outcome of a case. If the opposing lawyer…
Read MoreSCOTUS Bankruptcy Ruling Will Absolutely Affect People Getting Divorced
A recent case was heard by the Supreme Court in February 2023 involving a woman who tried to use bankruptcy protections to avoid paying her partner’s debts. The Supreme Court ultimately ruled that bankruptcy filers are still responsible for paying for debt incurred by their partners and cannot use this as a form of protection…
Read MoreUnderstanding the Details of Parental Kidnapping
Imagine the unthinkable happens. Your children are taken away from you, and you don’t know where they are. You don’t know if they are safe. Are they scared? Are they hungry? Are they hurt? The questions and fears multiply. It is a haunting scenario, one that no parent wants to experience. But, sometimes children are…
Read MoreThings to Consider Before Commingling Marital Assets
If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it hundreds of times – nobody gets married thinking they’ll one day get divorced. However, divorce does happen and at one point it might happen to you. The best plan for anything in life is to be prepared. This is why we have insurance, right? Nobody plans to…
Read MoreFYI: Don’t “Hard Launch” Your Divorce
Not every marriage lasts forever, and that’s okay. When a couple makes the decision to divorce, it is usually done in private and behind closed doors. When one or both of the spouses are well-known, they sometimes mutually release a public statement regarding the split, either through traditional press or social media. However, TikToker Victoria…
Read MoreCouple Discovers They’re Siblings – After a Decade of Marriage
A couple recently shocked the online community when they announced the discovery that, after 10 years of marriage, they are actually brother and sister. In a short TikTok with very few details, the husband revealed they discovered they were siblings after 13 years together. In the TikTok, the unnamed husband tells the camera he and…
Read MoreWhen a Parent Kidnaps Their Own Child
Divorce is rarely easy on a family, especially when children are involved. In most cases, both parents want to do what’s best for the child. However, when emotions run high, spouses (or ex-spouses) may disagree on exactly what this means. And in the most extreme cases, when one parent decides to take matters into their…
Read MoreWhy You Should Consider Signing a Premarital Agreement
A premarital agreement is created before a marriage to protect spouses in the event of a divorce. It can also add the transparency that might help them avoid the mistrust and disagreements that can crop up during the marriage that may lead the couple to divorce. Most people do not get married expecting that the…
Read MoreMaking Your Marriage Successful, and Knowing When to Call It Quits
When people decide to get married, they often have specific expectations about what married life will be like. These expectations are sometimes reasonable, and sometimes totally unrealistic. Here are some things to keep in mind to help your marriage thrive: Prepare to put in some hard work. Marriage is not easy, and it won’t just…
Read More9 Ways to Help Teens Dealing with Their Parents’ Divorce
For some couples, divorce becomes necessary and cannot be avoided, even though it can be hurtful, difficult, and complicated, particularly for their children. When parents decide to divorce, teenagers are sometimes caught completely unaware, while others are surprised the split took as long as it did. However, no matter which camp teens are in when…
Read MoreWhy You Want a Cohabitation Agreement If You Buy Property with a Partner
Suppose you and your significant other aren’t married, but you’re in a long-term relationship. The two of you are tired of renting so you decide to look for a house to purchase together. Since one of you is working and the other is currently unemployed, it made sense to put only the employed partner on…
Read MoreIdentical Twin Brothers Ordered to Pay Child Support for Same 9-Year-Old Girl
In a family law case that feels straight out of a Lifetime movie, a Brazilian judge ordered two brothers to pay child support to the mother of a nine-year-old girl. The reason? The brothers are identical twins who used their resemblance to each other to deceive women, including the mother. Due to their dishonesty and…
Read MoreWill My Ex-Spouse Get My Military Pension?
Going through a divorce is tough enough; but when one spouse is a member of the military, it can be even more complex than you can imagine. And the last thing you should need to worry about when going through a divorce is losing your pension and having what should be a relaxing retirement be…
Read MoreCan You Disinherit Your Spouse in Charlotte?
When a person dies, their last wishes are observed by distributing their assets exactly as the deceased wanted as declared in their will. For example, if a husband passes, his will typically states that he wishes to leave his assets to his wife and children; but it can get complex. For example, say the husband…
Read MoreCan I Distribute Premarital Money Without Telling My Spouse?
Before you come into a marriage with a significant amount of your own money, it is important to know what your rights are and learn all the possibilities of what could happen to it. No one likes to think of death or divorce during such a happy time, but it is a necessity when you…
Read More6 Relationship Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore
A recent post on Reddit sparked a much-needed conversation about red flags in relationships. A user explained the situation she was currently in and asked if she was in the wrong: she agreed to watch her three-year-old niece for a week and a half as a favor while her sister recovered from surgery. As she…
Read MoreLawmakers Propose “Child Support from Conception” Bill – Would It Work?
This summer, lawmakers drafted a proposal for a new bill in an effort to help expecting mothers. They named it the Unborn Child Support Act, and it would essentially give women the right to collect child support while they are pregnant, starting from the month of conception. Each state manages the child support system for…
Read MoreSole Custody, Joint Custody, or Shared Custody: Which Is Best for You?
When parents separate, the subject of child custody is often fraught with confusion, fear, and disagreements. Where will my child live? Will I be able to see my child? Who will make all the important decisions? How will my child adapt? Will my child be OK? North Carolina judges are required to determine custody based…
Read MoreMy Child Is About to Turn 18. How Long Do I Keep Paying Child Support?
Divorce is difficult for everyone. The focus often needs to be on the youngest members of the family. Parents must put aside their own issues and ensure that their minor children are taken care of emotionally, physically, and financially. When a separation, annulment or divorce occurs between parents, child support can guarantee the continued care…
Read MoreWhat Is the Process of Modifying a Court Order for Child Support or Child Custody?
Child custody and child support cases are often quite complicated. Modifying an established court order for child support or custody will require various documents and evidence. A family law attorney will be able to help you navigate this modification process and ensure all steps are completed. Modifying a child support order A child support order…
Read MoreDo Anger Management Courses Actually “Fix” Domestic Abusers?
Domestic violence is often defined as abusive behaviors against intimate partners. The abuse can be physical, sexual, verbal, and/or psychological. It is also against the law in North Carolina. According to the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 63 homicides were committed in North Carolina due to domestic violence in 2021. In the United States,…
Read MoreInheritances May Cause Headaches When Spouses Aren’t Included
In these times of uncertainty and risk, we may think about what we have to lose or gain. During the height of the pandemic, many individuals, couples, and families had to move for health or financial reasons. Perhaps someone close to you passed away and left you property. You may be left confused about what…
Read MoreHow Victims of Sexual Assault End Up Sharing Custody with Their Abusers
Being the victim of a sexual assault is already a traumatizing experience. However, what if a child was produced from the assault? If the abuser tries to pursue custody of their child with the victim, should the abuser be awarded custody? As horrendous as these questions are, they are a reality for millions of women…
Read MoreGood Marriages Make Their Own Rules – Just Ask Carson Daly
There’s an old saying that goes, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.” Meaning, in all things good and worthy, there is sacrifice and compromise that goes into making them. The same can be said of marriage. In order to have a successful, happy, and healthy relationship with your significant other, there…
Read MoreHow to Hire a Family Law Firm
Divorce is an extremely traumatic experience. At precisely the time in your life when you are the most vulnerable, you’re asked to make calm rational decisions about your economic and emotional future. If you have children, the trauma increases dramatically because children’s lives are turned upside down when their parents divorce. Some children feel responsible…
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