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How Are Investment Properties Divided During a Divorce?

Usually, when people hear about a couple deciding to divorce, they react from a place of sympathy. Regardless of whether the couple’s family and friends were supportive of the marriage or not, no one wants to hear that a couple has decided to divorce. However, when we hear certain aspects of, say, a celebrity couple’s…

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What Are My Rights as a Stepparent in North Carolina?

There was a time in American society where blended families were rare. Today, blended families are the norm for many. Divorced parents and their new partners are becoming accustomed to stepparent roles and responsibilities. New stepparents are learning their roles in matters such as their stepchild’s medical history, educational goals, and discipline. When it comes…

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Can I Modify My Child Support Order?

The divorce process consists of many difficult choices. In addition to the division of marital assets, one of the most difficult decisions revolves around child custody agreements. Establishing which spouse should receive custody of the children and which spouse is responsible for paying child support are sources of tension for many parents. As difficult as…

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Getting Married? Consider a Premarital Agreement

Even during a day and age where half of the marriages are expected to end in divorce, there are still some outdated and antiquated views about premarital (sometimes called “prenuptial”) agreements. Some couples feel that even requesting a premarital agreement is a sign that the marriage will not last. Even if you fear your partner’s…

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Divorcing an Addict

Maybe it starts on a smaller level. A wife may notice her husband has had too much to drink at a party, and she makes excuses for her husband’s erratic behavior. The next week, the same situation repeats itself. Within six months, the wife becomes accustomed to seeing her husband in a drunken state more…

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When Marriages End by Strategy

Not every divorce ends in a contentious battle to the emotional and financial death. For some couples the decision to go their separate ways, at least legally, can be a very difficult decision to make. When you think about a couple weighing the pros and cons to divorcing, you might picture them talking about their…

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Intentional Underemployment and Child Support

Many couples, even ones whose divorce is relatively amicable, may have a moment (or ten) where they briefly wonder, How can I get even with my soon-to-be ex-spouse? For some, though, it is more than a passing thought. It becomes a way of life to see how much trouble they can throw into the life…

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Once the Heat Is Gone, Can the Marriage Remain?

You are out for drinks with friends or just walking down the block from work to pick up lunch, but you make eye contact, exchange smiles and feel an instant spark with a total stranger. There is just no getting around the fact that the first thing that attracts two people to one another is…

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