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Who Gets the Dog in a Divorce?

Divorces take their toll on spouses and children. After months or more of fighting over alimony, what’s the best child custody arrangement, who gets to keep the home, and a variety of other issues, there may be one last obstacle to overcome – and it’s a doozy. Who gets to keep the family dog? Pets…

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Can You Modify an Alimony Order In North Carolina?

In North Carolina, alimony can be paid in one lump sum, or in periodic payments. When payments are periodic, they usually last until the recipient of the alimony remarries, begins living with a new partner, or dies, or until a specific time outlined by the divorce decree. The North Carolina family courts consider a variety…

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Divorce Can Affect Your Health in Numerous Ways

Anyone going through a divorce knows it is an extremely stressful time: emotionally, financially, and legally. Your lawyers will fight to get you the best possible outcome when it comes to asset division and child custody agreements, and will work to ensure that your best interests are represented. All of this can be stressful, but…

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Let’s Talk About Bigamy

When you’ve decided your marriage is over and have mentally moved on, coming to terms with the fact that you still have to put a legal end to the relationship can be a tough hurdle for some. It can be tiring, stressful, depressing, and angering all at the same time. Few people look forward to…

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