Family Law
Epperson Law Group Opens New Office in Concord, North Carolina
Epperson Law Group, PLLC is pleased to announce the opening of our newest office location in Concord, North Carolina. The firm has decided to open a new office to better serve clients from Cabarrus County and surrounding areas. “Going through a divorce or adjusting child custody schedules can take time, and time is often the…
Read MoreWho Gets the Dog in a Divorce?
Divorces take their toll on spouses and children. After months or more of fighting over alimony, what’s the best child custody arrangement, who gets to keep the home, and a variety of other issues, there may be one last obstacle to overcome – and it’s a doozy. Who gets to keep the family dog? Pets…
Read MoreHow Lawyers Help Enforce and Defend Child Support Enforcement Actions
There are some parents who think the laws don’t apply to them. In child support cases, some parents need to learn the hard way (occasionally by spending time in jail) that their duty to provide for their children is a priority. As we have explained, courts have a variety of options to ensure that a…
Read MoreCan You Modify an Alimony Order In North Carolina?
In North Carolina, alimony can be paid in one lump sum, or in periodic payments. When payments are periodic, they usually last until the recipient of the alimony remarries, begins living with a new partner, or dies, or until a specific time outlined by the divorce decree. The North Carolina family courts consider a variety…
Read MoreDivorce Can Affect Your Health in Numerous Ways
Anyone going through a divorce knows it is an extremely stressful time: emotionally, financially, and legally. Your lawyers will fight to get you the best possible outcome when it comes to asset division and child custody agreements, and will work to ensure that your best interests are represented. All of this can be stressful, but…
Read MoreStrategizing Where to File for Divorce When You’re Military
Military life is tough enough when you’re single. When you have a family it presents many other challenges that aren’t always met with success. Pressures of moving regularly, one spouse may feel as if he or she has been abandoned while the other feels guilty about being gone a lot. It takes a toll. Relationships…
Read MoreShould We Use the Same Attorney for Our Uncontested Divorce?
You and your spouse have decided to call it quits, but you have vowed to remain the best of friends. You have simply come to grips with the fact that you’re not in love with each other anymore and you both deserve to be happy. Your kids are now old enough to understand and you…
Read MoreWhen Is It Time to Modify Spousal Support in North Carolina?
There are so many twists and turns to a divorce that it can be exhausting to keep up. When divorce has consumed your life, it’s understandable that you just want to put it all behind you as quickly as possible. Being able to get on with your life may require your financial situation to improve.…
Read MoreLet’s Talk About Bigamy
When you’ve decided your marriage is over and have mentally moved on, coming to terms with the fact that you still have to put a legal end to the relationship can be a tough hurdle for some. It can be tiring, stressful, depressing, and angering all at the same time. Few people look forward to…
Read MoreGoing through Divorce with a Spouse Who Has Been Declared Insane
In North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce, the parties have to be separated for at least one year and at least one of the parties must be a resident of North Carolina for six months prior to filing. Of course, there may be complications that arise when pursuing a divorce that can alter the…
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