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Who Is a Good Candidate for Divorce Arbitration?

Divorce is as costly as it is stressful, and as stressful as it is complicated. While there is not always a way to eliminate these hardships, there are voluntary procedures in place that may be able to help mitigate them. It all depends on your individual circumstances and preferences as a couple. In the specific…

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Military Divorce in NC – Your Questions Answered

Divorce is difficult, emotionally taxing and involves a lot of paperwork. When there are children involved, it gets even more complicated. If you serve our country in the United States military, this process becomes even more difficult. Military divorces can be subject to more than one jurisdiction, as well as both state and federal law.…

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Commingling of Assets and Its Effect on an Inheritance

North Carolina law typically forbids dividing an individual’s inheritance between spouses during divorce. It doesn’t matter if the inheritance is cash, a house, stocks – an inheritance is that person’s separate property. Further, this counts whether the spouse received the bequest before or after the marriage. Although this is the general rule when it comes…

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Beware of These Signs of Parental Alienation

Divorce can be difficult, and sometimes it can get downright hostile between ex-spouses. When children are involved, co-parents should try to keep their differences to themselves, but in some unfortunate instances, these hostilities can boil over and emotionally impact the children. Parental alienation can have a traumatic and devastating affect on the relationship between a…

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What Are My Rights as a Father in North Carolina?

As a father, you have certain rights regarding custody and visitation with your child. Although many people still hold on to the outdated belief that the state always sides with the biological mother of a child, this is no longer true. Both parents have equal rights to their children in the eyes of North Carolina…

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Don’t Make These Co$tly Divorce Mistakes

Every divorce has its challenges, no matter how amicable it might be – and divorces are rarely amicable. And, when both spouses have a lot at stake financially, disputes and complications can arise quickly. Any attorney will tell you that the more prepared you are going into the divorce process, the better the chances to…

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How the Pandemic Is Causing People to Re-Think Their Marriages

Our entire way of living has drastically changed since last year. We’ve learned new terms, like “social distancing” and “quarantine.” We’re used to going out with our masks, gotten comfortable with videoconferencing and homeschooling, and are settling into a different way of life as we deal with the coronavirus “new normal.” Unfortunately, another common experience…

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Are You Ready for Your Adoption Home Study?

Families grow in all sorts of ways. Sometimes it’s a happy accident, and some take a lot of planning and proactive effort. The fact is that when you want your family to grow by adding children, it can be a difficult dream to fulfill for some ready-made parents. For years, only certain types of couples…

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Managing the Economic Realities of Your Divorce Settlement

Even knowing that your divorce settlement will leave you comfortable, resigning yourself to the fact that your nest egg is finite can cause any newly divorced spouse some concern. You’ve enjoyed a certain lifestyle throughout your married life – perhaps one that wouldn’t have been made possible without your sacrifices. But now that the agreement…

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