Posts by Epperson Law Group, PLLC
Navigating Equitable Distribution in a Charlotte Divorce Proceeding
Whether it was a mutual decision or not, there are a lot of factors involved in a divorce that may seem overwhelming. How are assets divided? Who pays alimony? How much is each spouse entitled to receive? Especially if you and your spouse share a significantly high net worth, your worries will undoubtedly involve the…
Read MoreWho Is a Good Candidate for Divorce Arbitration?
Divorce is as costly as it is stressful, and as stressful as it is complicated. While there is not always a way to eliminate these hardships, there are voluntary procedures in place that may be able to help mitigate them. It all depends on your individual circumstances and preferences as a couple. In the specific…
Read MoreConcerned About Remote Hearings? Epperson Law Group Can Help
As a citizen of the United States and of North Carolina, you have the right to timely access to the legal system and justice. You should be able to depend on the system to help settle your family law or personal injury disputes in a fair and equitable manner. Of course, over the past year,…
Read MoreMilitary Divorce in NC – Your Questions Answered
Divorce is difficult, emotionally taxing and involves a lot of paperwork. When there are children involved, it gets even more complicated. If you serve our country in the United States military, this process becomes even more difficult. Military divorces can be subject to more than one jurisdiction, as well as both state and federal law.…
Read MoreBeware of These Signs of Parental Alienation
Divorce can be difficult, and sometimes it can get downright hostile between ex-spouses. When children are involved, co-parents should try to keep their differences to themselves, but in some unfortunate instances, these hostilities can boil over and emotionally impact the children. Parental alienation can have a traumatic and devastating affect on the relationship between a…
Read MoreSpecial Needs Trust Planning – Protecting the Future of Your Loved One
A trust is an important part of anyone’s estate plan. Simply put, trusts are a legal document that allow a third party (called a trustee) to hold and control assets in a trust fund on behalf of a beneficiary. Often, families use trusts to protect inherited wealth as they pass it down from generation to…
Read MoreDon’t Make These Co$tly Divorce Mistakes
Every divorce has its challenges, no matter how amicable it might be – and divorces are rarely amicable. And, when both spouses have a lot at stake financially, disputes and complications can arise quickly. Any attorney will tell you that the more prepared you are going into the divorce process, the better the chances to…
Read MoreHow the Pandemic Is Causing People to Re-Think Their Marriages
Our entire way of living has drastically changed since last year. We’ve learned new terms, like “social distancing” and “quarantine.” We’re used to going out with our masks, gotten comfortable with videoconferencing and homeschooling, and are settling into a different way of life as we deal with the coronavirus “new normal.” Unfortunately, another common experience…
Read MoreAre You Ready for Your Adoption Home Study?
Families grow in all sorts of ways. Sometimes it’s a happy accident, and some take a lot of planning and proactive effort. The fact is that when you want your family to grow by adding children, it can be a difficult dream to fulfill for some ready-made parents. For years, only certain types of couples…
Read MoreManaging the Economic Realities of Your Divorce Settlement
Even knowing that your divorce settlement will leave you comfortable, resigning yourself to the fact that your nest egg is finite can cause any newly divorced spouse some concern. You’ve enjoyed a certain lifestyle throughout your married life – perhaps one that wouldn’t have been made possible without your sacrifices. But now that the agreement…
Read MoreDomestic Violence Is Not Always Physical
At this point, most people are familiar with the term domestic violence. Hearing it conjures up thoughts of bruises, broken bones, and wondering how damage like that can so easily remain hidden. Other facts that people are just beginning to understand is that not all domestic abuse is suffered by women, nor is it just…
Read MoreCan My Social Media Posts Affect My Child Custody?
When you’re gearing up for or are in the midst of a child custody case, putting your best foot forward in showing your commitment to your child’s wellbeing is your best course of action. Your child’s other parent is looking for anything that can be used to show your ability to engage in a health…
Read MoreParenting Apps for Post-Divorce Life
While divorce proceedings end the marriage, and divorce agreements and orders establish boundaries, parents with children still need a lot of guidance after the contested issues are resolved. Parents need to manage their time, manage their child’s time, and communicate with each other so their children have the emotional, family, and financial support they need.…
Read MoreThe Legal and Practical Consequences of Being Separated in North Carolina
North Carolina requires that spouses live apart for a year in separate residences before filing for divorce, unless you have a credible claim for the grounds of “incurable insanity.” This time is referred to as “separation,” and if you and your spouse separate, getting a separation order can make your lives easier when the time…
Read MoreAppealing the Termination of Your Parental Rights
Courts generally don’t terminate parental rights unless there is a strong reason to do so. The petition to terminate parental rights is normally brought by the State through its Department of Child Services, or by guardian ad litem, but parents may seek to terminate their co-parents’ parental rights, too. The grounds for termination of parental…
Read MoreMillennials Are Getting More Prenups
Most people think of prenuptial agreements as legal documents for older, wealthy couples. Young couples (presumably) don’t have much to fight about, whereas older couples have already established homes, business, and wealth. They may have trusts or children to think about, too. A new report from Business Insider suggests the times are changing. The publication…
Read MoreAlternative Dispute Resolution: Divorce Options When Courts Are Closed
Right now, we’re all aware how the COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted all aspects of our daily lives. Stay-at-home orders from Governor Roy Cooper update continuously and plans to lift restrictions in phases are currently in process – but by no means are we back to our day-to-day lives quite yet. What does this mean for…
Read MoreSupport Orders, COVID-19 Job Loss, and Contempt of Court
During the recent coronavirus pandemic and its current aftereffects, hundreds of North Carolina businesses have closed and the resulting economic downturn is affecting everyone. For parents, job loss can be unexpectedly difficult, especially for those who pay or depend on child support or alimony. Support orders are court orders and must be followed. Parents who…
Read MoreCouples Getting Sick (of Each Other) – Is a “Divorce Boom” Likely?
Although North Carolina and the rest of the country are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, some countries are beginning to emerge from stay-at-home and lockdown orders. And, aside from the expected issues transitioning back into a new normal, there are a few unexpected side effects as well. The number of divorce filings…
Read MoreHow Coronavirus “Stay-at-Home” Orders Affect Family Law Matters
Navigating work and life with the new restrictions and changes brought about during the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world is difficult for everyone. For families trying to deal with co-parenting, pending divorces, domestic violence, and other family law issues, these matters can become even more complicated. Courts and law firms across North Carolina are dealing…
Read MoreCoronavirus and Domestic Violence: Your Options
Everyone is aware of, and has been affected by, the COVID-19 pandemic spreading throughout the world. As a result, North Carolina and other states across the nation have enacted stay-at-home orders, designed to slow the spread of the virus and keep our citizens safe. Other than essential work and activities, most of us are staying…
Read MoreER Doc Loses Custody of Daughter over Coronavirus Fears
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on and our essential healthcare workers continue to treat and care for patients, one doctor has found herself caught between her professional life and personal life – and served with an emergency court order that’s severed ties between her and her four-year-old daughter. Dr. Theresa Greene, an emergency room physician…
Read MoreEpperson Law Group Opens New Office in Concord, North Carolina
Epperson Law Group, PLLC is pleased to announce the opening of our newest office location in Concord, North Carolina. The firm has decided to open a new office to better serve clients from Cabarrus County and surrounding areas. “Going through a divorce or adjusting child custody schedules can take time, and time is often the…
Read MoreWho Gets the Dog in a Divorce?
Divorces take their toll on spouses and children. After months or more of fighting over alimony, what’s the best child custody arrangement, who gets to keep the home, and a variety of other issues, there may be one last obstacle to overcome – and it’s a doozy. Who gets to keep the family dog? Pets…
Read MoreHow Lawyers Help Enforce and Defend Child Support Enforcement Actions
There are some parents who think the laws don’t apply to them. In child support cases, some parents need to learn the hard way (occasionally by spending time in jail) that their duty to provide for their children is a priority. As we have explained, courts have a variety of options to ensure that a…
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